Hi divers
Weekend dive plans
Saturday: Launching early from Simon’s Town jetty for Omega Reef and Castor Rock Northern Pinnacle
Sunday: Launching early from Simon’s Town jetty for Castor Rock Southern Pinnacle and Roman’s Rest

Dive report
We had decent diving at Castor Rock and Boat Rock last weekend despite the patchy spots of visibility.
On Saturday evening twenty five divers shore dived at Long Beach and the Clan Stuart for 2015’s Diversnight. The conditions were pristine, and False Bay’s marine wildlife was out in abundance for the occasion. It was great to put faces to names and to meet and dive with so many of you. Thanks to everyone who took part!
The viz has improved all week and was already 10 metres on Tuesday when we went to Castor Rock and Rambler Rock. We are out tomorrow and Saturday, and I am sure the excellent viz is pretty much everywhere in False Bay. The weekend looks rosy: the wind is light and the swell is around 3 metres on Saturday with a little less on Sunday.
We will launch early on both days, on Saturday to Omega Reef and Castor Rock Northern Pinnacle, Sunday to Castor Rock Southern Pinnacle and Roman’s Rest. Text, Whatsapp, email or carrier pigeon if you wish to book.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
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