Hi divers
Weekend dive plans
Saturday: Double tank dive at 7.30am launching from Simon’s Town jetty
Sunday: Double tank dive at 7.30am launching from Simon’s Town jetty
I’ve been out several times this week and we’ve found clean, green and brown water in False Bay during this week’s dives. We’ll do double tank dives on both days of the weekend, starting early. I haven’t picked sites for the weekend as we will go looking for clean water when we launch. If you want to be on board, you know what to do.

Things to do
A Pint of Science is a series of evening science talks from Monday to Wednesday next week, combined with the exciting prospect, for enthusiasts, of beer. The talks will be held at the Empire Cafe in Muizenberg and Sgt Pepper in Long Street. Tickets are R35. Visit the website and see if anything takes your fancy.
Also remember the Underwater Photographer of the year exhibition, mentioned in last week’s newsletter.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!
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