Hi divers
Weekend dive plans
Saturday: Shore dives at Long Beach
Sunday: Boat dives from Simon’s Town jetty (maximum depth 18 metres)
The weather for warm, sunny diving is here – almost! As I’m sure you noticed, we had a day or two of temperatures in the high twenties which is my kind of weather. False Bay has been pleasant this week, with some visibility and not much swell to go with the sunny days. It won’t be quite that warm this weekend but conditions will definitely be worth diving.

We will shore dive at Long Beach on Saturday and launch for boat dives from the Simon’s Town jetty on Sunday. Both boat dives will be to a maximum depth of 18 metres as they will be first boat dives for a few students. Sites will be chosen on the day.
Out and about
Don’t forget that the crowdfunded Shark Spotters mobile beach safety app will be launched on Thursday 13 October with music (The Rudimentals) and comedy (Rob van Vuuren) at the Earth Fair food market. It should be good fun, and it’s a good cause. Book your tickets here!
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!
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