Hi divers
Weekend dive plans
Saturday: Meet at Hout Bay harbour at 6.30 am
Sunday: Meet at Hout Bay harbour at 6.30 am
The new year has certainly started off windily. (Happy new year, by the way!) Despite this, diving has been possible occasionally if you don’t mind hitting the water really early. The coming weekend is no exception.

The weekend is set to blow again, but both Saturday and Sunday morning offer an early weather window with lot less wind, and that will be the best time to dive… in my opinion. We’ll confirm Saturday’s dives by 6 pm on Friday evening after I look at the sea, because it is forecast to be quite swelly.
Hout Bay slipway will be the meeting place on both days, and 7.00 am will be approximately the time we set off so you will need to be there by 6.30 am. Message me if you want to be on the list.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!
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