Hi divers
Weekend dive plans
Taking a wait and see approach – let me know if you want to be contacted for dives…

A 12 metre swell with an 18 second period arrived yesterday and hammered the Atlantic shoreline. The swell was very westerly, as were the howling winds, so False Bay experienced nothing even close to that intensity.
Despite the protection afforded by Cape Point, False Bay saw some of the swell today and surfing was popular at the Clan Stuart, Glencairn, Fish Hoek and Kalk Bay reefs.
By tomorrow the swell has dropped down, the wind has died and False Bay will start to settle. This changes for the weekend. Saturday sees the arrival of a weaker and smaller front which comes with 50 km/h winds and some rain. The odds of decent diving are slim, as the wind is from the north, not a direction False Bay likes much.
Things can change, so to be safe will play it by ear and decide on the day whether we launch or not. Let me know if you want to be notified of any dives.
Celebrate World Ocean Day
What better way of adding to your World Ocean Day celebrations than by enrolling in a free online course on ocean science and solutions? Here’s the course blurb:
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) One Planet – One Ocean: From Science to Solutions is a ten-week course presenting the challenges and opportunities facing oceans today. Led by the teams at GEOMAR, the International Ocean Institute, Christian-Albrechts-
Universität zu Kiel, and Future Ocean, the course brings in some of the world’s leading experts on ocean science to present the issues and potential solutions grounded in rigorous scientific research.
You can view the introduction video here, and sign up at this link. It’s a repeat of a MOOC from last April, and is well worth following. Thanks to Peter Southwood for the heads up!
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
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