The road to Cape Recife lighthouse

Lighthouses of South Africa

Here’s our ever-growing list of the lighthouses around South Africa’s coast. The Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and KZN need some work!

Cape Town

Slangkoppunt lighthouse before its recent paint job
Slangkoppunt lighthouse before its recent paint job

Milnerton lighthouse

Green Point lighthouse

The old Mouille Point lighthouse

Slangkoppunt lighthouse

The old Cape Point lighthouse

The new Cape Point lighthouse

Roman Rock lighthouse

Hangklip lighthouse


View of Cape Agulhas lighthouse from the seaward side
View of Cape Agulhas lighthouse from the seaward side

Danger Point lighthouse

Cape Agulhas lighthouse

Struispunt marine beacon

Port Elizabeth

Cape Recife lighthouse
Cape Recife lighthouse

Cape Recife lighthouse

Deal lighthouse

The Hill lighthouse

West Coast

Stompneuspunt beacon
Stompneuspunt beacon

Cape Columbine lighthouse

Stompneuspunt beacon

Want to see the whole lot? Check out Lighthouses of South Africa.

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.