Overhang at Atlantis

Newsletter: Winds of change

Hi divers

Sea fan in a swim through at Photographer's Reef
Sea fan in a swim through at Photographer

The wind required for cleaning the bay is just not really happening yet. From the data below (from MagicSeaweed) you can see that we should have had a lot more wind from a northerly direction yet we have had way more southeasterly days this month than the norm.

Wind direction breakdown for May 2011
Wind direction breakdown for May 2011

The result, well False Bay is not very clean and the visibility has been around 5 metres all week. With the southeaster tomorrow as well as both days of the weekend I am not expecting very good conditions for training dives. The sites further off shore may be better but I will take the boat out tomorrow and then make the call for the weekend.

Overhang at Atlantis
Overhang at Atlantis

Last weekend’s conditions were pretty much the same although Saturday was wind-free in the morning, and we dived Atlantis and Photographer’s Reef. The visibility was around 6 metres on the inshore side of the reefs but once you rounded the seaward side it dropped to around 3 metres.

Blue gas flame nudibranch at Atlantis
Blue gas flame nudibranch at Atlantis

On Sunday we went to take a look but called off the planned dives as the wind and surface conditions were unpleasant. Instead we went to the cement wreck just off the yellow buoy that can be seen from Long Beach, and explored there a little bit.

Piet and Tami at the cement wreck, Long Beach
Piet and Tami at the cement wreck, Long Beach

I have Open Water, Advanced, and Divemaster courses on the go at the moment. Those of you who need to do training dives will get a message from me as soon as conditions are suitable. If you’d like to be informed of weekend plans once they’re clearer, let me know.

Please don’t forget your dive festival bookings. The boats are filling up fast.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Diving is addictive!

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals

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