Fish Hoek this morning

Newsletter: The week that was

Hi divers

The conditions are pretty good right now. We have had some really good diving this week and we had 10-12 metre visibility at the sevengill cowsharks yesterday. As for weather calls, I have been driving to Miller’s Point almost every day to check conditions before collecting the boat as the forecast weather seems seldom as predicted. False Bay is stunning right now: we have seen whales almost every day, the viz is good and the surf has been great. We also have another brief resident ship in the bay, an oil tanker of sorts.

Fish Hoek this morning
Fish Hoek this morning

The weekend

Tomorrow we will have some more serious wind with wind speeds of around 50-60 km/h but this tapers as we go into the weekend. However, a 4.5 metre swell arrives with this wind tomorrow evening and lingers most of Saturday so the plan is to skip Saturday and launch on Sunday. Please let me know if you want to be on the boat. I will do a double tank dive if possible as its better in the morning than the afternoon. Hopefully by next weekend we will be able to start doing a few more shore dives for those that prefer shore entries and for the students waiting to complete their training.

Cape Town Dive Festival

Remember the dive festival next weekend (8-9 September). There are still a few spots open if you’re keen! Visit the website for more.

CTDF Final Poster New Dates
CTDF Final Poster New Dates

Short newsletter – we are moving house tomorrow!


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Diving is addictive!

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals