(Clockwise) Long Beach, A Frame, Partridge Point and Shark Alley

Newsletter: Dive on the fourth of July

Hi divers

Despite being July already winter diving has yet to set in good and proper and we have had very few days of good viz so far. The wind this week has not helped much either other than to clean the Atlantic up and make the option of a dive or two from  Hout Bay tomorrow a real option. The viz in False bay has been mediocre at best. I have been in and on the water a couple of times since last week in mixed conditions, but have used the last few windy days to do student exams and maintenance work on the boat and gear.

(Clockwise) Long Beach, A Frame, Partridge Point and Shark Alley
(Clockwise) Long Beach, A Frame, Partridge Point and Shark Alley

I took a drive along the coast today and from the pictures you can see the SE has blown all the dirty water up into the coastal area and the water from Muizenburg to Fish Hoek is really dirty. It cleans up as you go further south and is a kind of blue green colour around Partridge Point. If the forecast is correct then the wind starts to blow north north west from late afternoon tomorrow and blows at around 40 kilometres per hour throughout Saturday. These conditions are not particularly enjoyable for human scuba divers.

Sadly I think the bulk of the dirty water will move down the coast with that wind making diving on Sunday a possible option. If anything the best diving will be south of Miller’s Point so Batsata Maze and surrounds will be where we go if we go. If the wind does not blow as predicted that dirty water won’t get too far. We will plan to launch on Sunday but I will make the call early Sunday morning once I have had a look at the sea. If you want to dive, let me know.

Dirty water outside Kalk Bay harbour
Dirty water outside Kalk Bay harbour

Please remember your permits – get them up to date if they’ve expired, and bring them with you when we dive. Also, remember the DAN information day on 20 July (two weeks’ time) – we’ll be attending and it looks as though it’ll be very interesting. You need to RSVP, and more information can be found here.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals