Southern right whales in False Bay

Newsletter: Wet, windy and whales

Hi divers

Wet, wild and windy is the only way to describe the last few weeks’ weather. An odd sunny day in between is hardly enough to keep the cold out. I had a minor repair job done recently and have had to stay out of the water for 14 days. These days are almost up and thankfully the weather for next week looks far better than we have had of late.

Southern right whales in False Bay
Southern right whales in False Bay

Last weekend, taking advantage of my planned time out of the water (and, to be honest, the poor underwater conditions!) we went whale watching with Simon’s Town Boat Company. It was wonderful to be so close to these majestic animals.  It was lovely to be out on the water, and apart from the whales just to see how beautiful False Bay and the surrounding landscape are.

If you can’t get out to see the whales, follow Simon’s Town Boat Company on facebook – they post amazing photos almost every day during whale season (July-November). Also, the whales are apparently more active when the conditions are stormy and rough – so watching them from land during these wintery weeks is a definite option.

Yachts near Roman Rock lighthouse
Yachts near Roman Rock lighthouse

Weekend plans

The weekend conditions are not as good as I had hoped they would be.Despite the strong north and westerly winds the bay is not as clean as I had hoped, partly due to all the dirty run-off from the rain that has been blown into the bay. The swell direction is better on Saturday, but I know that filling a boat in the rain is a difficult task.

Sunday looks dry and almost windless so I think its an option, however the swell turns southerly with some east, and that cruises straight into the bay. The only way to be sure is to make a last minute call. If you want to be on the list for possible Sunday diving, text me and I will make the call late Saturday or really early on Sunday morning.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals