Curious seal

Seal wife

We did a boat dive to Justin’s Caves off Oudekraal early in December, and we were harrassed – or menaced – by a large Cape fur seal, who followed us for at least half the dive. He swam between us and came very close, and while he didn’t show his teeth or try to bite anyone, he was sufficiently forceful in his approaches to make most of us quite twitchy. The visibility wasn’t amazing, which contributed to the slight feeling of unease.


He didn’t seem to upset Tami too much, though! At times it looked as though he was trying to split our group up, but by that point I may have been reading sinister interpretations into his behaviour and anthropomorphising too much. While I filmed this short video I was thinking that maybe he wanted to take Tami away to be his seal wife, to live on a rock somewhere and pay visits to divers who entered their territory…

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.