A playful seal at Partridge Point

Newsletter: Diving is addictive

Hi everyone

The weather has been fooling around for a while now and dive planning has been a little tricky. We had a few real good days in False Bay last week, a clear 6-8 metre visibility night dive on Saturday night and two really good boat launches on Sunday.


Running at the moment: Open Water, Advanced, Nitrox, Deep, Rescue and Divemaster. There is always space for anyone interested in gaining some special dive skills so feel free to ask questions.

Our blog (http:// www.learntodivetoday.co.za/blog) is an excellent source of information for any diving related questions you might have plus a whole lot more. Our website, www.learntodivetoday.co.za, has also had a facelift so visit them and if you don’t find the answers to your questions then mail me.

Since late last year I started running courses with the option of splitting the payments. This has worked well and I will continue to offer this should you wish. Mail me for details.

Recent dives

A few pictures from the weekend’s diving follow:

Lukas on the surface at Long Beach
Lukas on the surface at Long Beach

We were five people for the night dive on Saturday night at Long Beach and with such good visibility it was easy to see where everyone was.

Pleated toadfish on the sand at Long Beach by night
Pleated toadfish on the sand at Long Beach by night

Sunday’s first dive was to the SAS Transvaal, the first 15 metres of water was murky but as the bottom starts to darken so the wreck becomes visible.

Dark wreckage of the SAS Transvaal
Dark wreckage of the SAS Transvaal

Visibility on the bottom was around 6-8 metres and our maximum depth was 33 metres.

Orange gas flame nudibranch
Orange gas flame nudibranch

The second dive, to Partridge Point, was made more enjoyable by a few playful seals constantly swimming around us looking for attention. The visibility was really weird as there were patches of 10 plus metres visibility with the random murky patches where it dropped off to 3 metres.

A playful seal at Partridge Point
A playful seal at Partridge Point

Sodwana is set and ready, we have 12 people but should you think it might be an idea you have a day or two to decide.

Gas flame nudibranch at Partridge Point
Gas flame nudibranch at Partridge Point

MPA Permits… We will soon have to say ”No, you can’t dive” if you don’t have one as the officials are clamping down on dive schools claiming we do not inform our divers. So be informed, you need a permit, please get one at the post office and keep it in your dive bag as you will be asked to produce it at random dive sites by equally random officials.

Be good and have fun

Learn to Dive Today logoTony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!

<strong><a href=”https://www.learntodivetoday.co.za/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/small-colour-e1284626229322.jpg”><img class=”alignleft size-full wp-image-486″ title=”Learn to Dive Today logo” src=”https://www.learntodivetoday.co.za/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/small-colour-e1284626229322.jpg” alt=”Learn to Dive Today logo” width=”73″ height=”67″ /></a>Tony Lindeque</strong>
076 817 1099
<a href=”http://www.learntodivetoday.co.za” target=”_blank”>www.learntodivetoday.co.za</a>
<a href=”https://www.learntodivetoday.co.za/blog” target=”_self”>www.learntodivetoday.co.za/blog</a>
<em>Diving is addictive!</em>

Published by


Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals

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