On a recent dive, I took some colourful hair elastics on a piece of red velcro and attached them to a piece of wire sticking out of the sand at Long Beach. A large group of klipfish (fish that are by nature curious and fond of colours) soon gathered, some of them clearly in (or getting into) an amorous mood. Look out for the males chasing the (often much larger) females with their sexual organs extended.
A barehead goby (see the picture below for identification) living under the piece of wood emerges several times to remove the string of hair elastics from his home. At one point the elastic gets stuck on his teeth, and he inadvertently pulls the string back into his house before huffily returning it to the sand outside.

They are a lot like our Kelp Greenlings, curious and interesting to watch! On my commercial diving course I had to shoo them away when they came over to examine the pipe-puzzle I was building.