Chain attached to the yellow buoy at Long Beach

Newsletter: High hopes for better weather

Long Beach panorama
Long Beach panorama

Hi divers

Clare took this panorama at Long Beach whilst the NSRI were out training a couple of weekends back. They were there for a long time as we saw them before and after both dives. They seem to have a very good training program and were hauling people out the water, performing CPR and so on. I have not had too many ocean diving days this past week and have only been in the pool. The wind and rain have been…

Anemone at Long Beach
Anemone at Long Beach
Puffadder shyshark at Long Beach
Puffadder shyshark at Long Beach

Weekend diving

I have Open Water students on Saturday doing dives one and two at Long Beach but we will do two boat dives on Sunday. The usual: deep first and shallow next. Launch times will probably be 9am and 11am – please let me know either by text or email if you’d like to be on the boat, by tomorrow morning at the latest.

Chain attached to the yellow buoy at Long Beach
Chain attached to the yellow buoy at Long Beach

Clare, Justin and I swam out to the yellow buoy at Long Beach. Under it is a large bed of mussels and very fat starfish

OMSAC Treasure Hunt

A reminder, the OMSAC False Bay Treasure Hunt is on the 9th July, go here for more details. Clare and I are hoping to get on the boat dives at 10am (to Boat Rock) and at 1pm (to the cowsharks at Pyramid). I suggest you book quickly if you have strong preferences about where you’d like to go.

Certification cards

I have a small stack of PADI certification cards for some recently-qualified students: Tinus, Lindsay, Marinus, Dean and Dirk. I’ll try and drop them off with you if I’m in your neck of the woods, otherwise next time you come diving or are in the Southern Suburbs we can arrange for you to get them.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals