Cape Town’s visible shipwrecks: Antipolis

The Antipolis lies against the shore in a small rocky bay
The Antipolis lies against the shore in a small rocky bay

The oil tanker Antipolis ran aground off Oudekraal during a July storm in 1977. She and the Romelia, which is wrecked near Sandy Bay, were both under tow by the tug Kiyo Maru No. 2 from Greece to be scrapped in Taiwan. The wreck lies pointing shoreward, a couple of hundred metres south of the 12 Apostles Hotel. She can be viewed from a vantage point above a storm water drain between the hotel entrance and a small parking area on the opposite (seaward) side of the road. Walk along the Armco barrier from the parking area, looking to your left (while also looking out for cyclists). The storm water pipe is about twenty metres from the parking area and is marked by a gap in the bushes through which the wreck can be seen.

There is also the option of climbing down an impossibly steep and slippery path onto the rocks adjacent to the wreck. The view from here is slightly better, but it is not a climb for the faint hearted.

She is now a beautiful dive site if you visit in clear, calm conditions. Most divers shore dive off the rocky beach in front of the wreck, after climbing over the traffic barrier and walking over the boulders on the shore.

There are some pictures of the tanker just after she grounded here and here (the comments are also worth reading). Her superstructure was cut off some time later for scrap. The entire shape of the wreck can be discerned on aerial images, as much of her lies just below the waterline.

If you’re interested in visible shipwrecks, check out my ebook Cape Town’s Visible Shipwrecks: A Guide for Explorers!

Newsletter: Surf, then dive

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Sunday: Boat dives – if the weather forecast turns out to be wrong!

We had a good dives last weekend, and our shore dive at Fisherman’s Beach was pretty pleasant. The site is very dependent on the size of the shore break – if it’s too big you end up barrel rolled on the sand before you even get started! Fortunately is was not that bad and we had a good 6 metre viz. A couple of photos here, on facebook.

Briefing at Fisherman's Beach
Briefing at Fisherman’s Beach

Thanks to Jan de Bruyn who took this picture of the boat last Friday, when I was out in False Bay!

Boating in False Bay, pic by Jan de Bruyn
Boating in False Bay, pic by Jan de Bruyn


I am sure the best option for tomorrow will be watching some of the best big wave surfers give Dungeons or Sunset Reef a ride, we will launch from Hout Bay at 10.00 am for this.

The dive conditions for the weekend look a little poor. There is strong north north westerly wind forecast for Saturday, too much for pleasant boating, and a fair amount of south easter for Sunday. The water should be very clean given the last few days of wind so I am open to the idea of launching on Sunday if the wind turns out to be a little less than it is currently forecast to be.

To provisionally book or put your name on the list in case we launch on Sunday, you can SMS, Whatsapp, call, email, call on a landline, send a carrier pigeon, or (preferred method) pop in with cake. You decide.

Date to diarise

As part of the South African Shark and Ray Symposium happening next month, there’s a fantastic speaker evening being held on Monday 7 September. Check out the details on facebook here. There are some riveting speakers who will take you through False Bay’s fauna from the microscopic to the massive (orcas, anyone?)!


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Whale of a time

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Saturday: Launching at Simon’s Town jetty at 9.00 am for SAS Pietermaritzburg / 11.30 am for Pie Rock

Monday: Shore dive, conditions permitting

Nick at Atlantis, photo by Jerrel
Nick at Atlantis, photo by Jerrel

False Bay is clean right now, we had 10-12 m visibility at Atlantis and a little less at Alpha Reef today. A few minutes after the divers rolled into the water at Atlantis a juvenile humpback whale cruised by the bow of the boat, less than 5 metres away. There are signs of a red tide closer to Roman Rock but it was really mild. There were hundreds of compass jellies in the water on both dives. Thanks to Jerrel for this photo from today.

After a good shore dive at Windmill Beach
After a good shore dive at Windmill Beach

Last weekend we had a great shore dive at Windmill Beach, and enjoyed seeing so many other divers taking advantage of the excellent conditions. The visibility on Sunday was probably 6-8 metres and the water was a rather chilly 12 degrees.

Dive conditions

The weekend seems to be a one day affair if the current forecast is anything to go by. Saturday looks good with little wind and mild swell. We will launch from Simon’s Town jetty at 9.00 am for SAS Pietermaritzburg and at 11.30 am for Pie Rock.

Sunday and Monday are meant to have more south and south easterly wind than I would like, and boating in that will not be great. I know a number of you guys are keen for a shore dive on Sunday or Monday but we will decide late Saturday on whether we do this or not.

Text or email me if you want to dive on either day, and I will keep you posted.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Shades of blue

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Saturday: launching from Simon’s Town jetty at 8.30 for Omega Reef / 11.00am for Atlantis Reef

Sunday: shore diving at Long Beach or A Frame at 10.00am

Fiery nudibranch at Outer Photographer's Reef
Fiery nudibranch at Outer Photographer’s Reef, picture by Georgina Jones

We had planned not to launch last weekend based on the forecast. The conditions changed dramatically and on Sunday we ventured out for a film project and must admit to being pleasantly surprised by the good visibility. After filming the bits that needed doing, we went to Outer Photographer’s Reef, where Georgina took the picture above.

Dive conditions

The week’s wind has helped improve this and False Bay looks really clean right now despite the 5 metre swell that was forecast for today.

This weekend we should have an acceptable amount of swell, light winds and some sun. Windguru has only used their blue crayons this weekend as opposed to the purples they used a couple of weeks back, and we like the shades of blue. On Saturday we will launch from Simon’s Town jetty at 8.30 and go to Omega Reef, I have been told that it is stunning and have not yet seen it. The second dive at 11.00am will be to Atlantis Reef. If the swell has lingered we will dive the SAS Pietermaritzburg instead.

On Sunday we will shore dive at either Long Beach or A Frame at 10.00am. Text or email me to book a spot on either day.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: In the red

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

No diving planned

Variable soft coral by Georgina Jones
Variable soft coral by Georgina Jones

Last Saturday we visited Outer Photographer’s Reef and Fan Reef. The conditions were excellent, with almost top to bottom visibility at Fan Reef, but deteriorated on Sunday. Thank you to Georgina Jones for the above photo, which is in keeping with last week’s orange and purple theme!

Tomorrow a 6.5 metre swell passes by, accompanied by 50 km/h winds. The odds of good diving conditions following that hot mess are slim so I am not planning anything for this weekend.

Shore diving

I have not forgotten about doing a weekend shore dive for folks who are rusty and/or desperate to get in the water, but this weekend isn’t the time for it. I’ll keep those of you who expressed an interest in the loop, and publicise it here and on facebook too.

Keep warm everyone!


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Purple and orange, and Minions

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Saturday: Meet at Simon’s Town jetty at 8.00 Fan Reef and 10.30 Atlantis or Outer Photographer’s Reef

I photographed this (recently deceased) backspine cowfish after retrieving it from the surface just inshore from Roman Rock, last Friday. This was an unusual opportunity to look closely at this not often spotted little chap. There was a visible plankton bloom in the area with a few other dead fish floating on the surface, too.

Backspine cowfish (deceased)
Backspine cowfish (deceased)

Both WindGURU and Windfinder have used their purple and orange crayons for the forecasts again which means the wind will blow harder than most people find enjoyable. Fortunately these colours are confined to Friday’s forecast, and by the weekend we are back to low wind conditions. The wind direction tomorrow will improve the already very good visibility in False Bay, so that is a good thing. The downside is it that might rain and it might be cold, but then again it might not. And you’re going to get wet anyway!

Saturday looks to be the warmer day so that will be my choice for boat dives. We will go to Fan Reef at 8.30 (meet at 8.00) and Atlantis or Outer Photographer’s Reef at 11.00 (meet at 10.30). We may do these as a double tank dives, in which case there will be no getting off the boat in between. There will be hot chocolate on the boat in my new Minion cups to make it worth your while.

Shore diving for the out of practice

We are planning a shore dive next weekend, on Saturday if the weather plays along, for everyone who needs to get back in the water and dust off their confidence and buoyancy skills, so make a note in your diaries and I’ll confirm the details in next week’s newsletter. Winter is a great time to dive in False Bay. The water is generally clean, and the prevailing winds flatten the sea. With this in mind, how about a trip to the post office next week to renew your permit to dive in a Marine Protected Area?


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Cool, calm and collected

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Sunday: Shore dives in False Bay, site TBC

A boatload of German wreck divers
A boatload of German wreck divers

Diving this week

We have had a busy week and False Bay has been really good. We have dived mostly wrecks this week but did go and look for cowsharks yesterday (no luck). All in all we have had good viz, very little wind and enough sun to warm almost everyone. This picture was taken today at Long Beach and we were doing a Rescue course. Hardly stressful conditions.

Long Beach today
Long Beach today

The weekend has some swell in the forecast with winds from all directions so it will be a hit and miss affair. There is a lot of dark water around and most of it close to Rocky Bank.

We will plan to shore dive on Sunday. I will choose the site later on Saturday afternoon. Text or email me if you want to dive.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Hot or cold

Hi divers

Weekend diving

Friday: Seal snorkeling in Hout Bay


Launching from Hout Bay to visit the SS Oakburn and Di’s Cracks


Launching from False Bay to SAS Pietermaritzburg and Maidstone Rock

Sunday: Shore diving at Long Beach

Esther thinks the visibility is OK
Esther thinks the visibility is OK

Conditions report

We dived out of Hout Bay last weekend and had pretty good conditions. We did some “cave” diving at Vulcan Rock and thanks to Peet we will post a link to the YouTube video soon. The visibility was good but the water was cold.

Neither False Bay or Hout Bay are sparkling clean right now, but both should offer up some decent diving as there is very little wind and swell for the weekend. It is hard to choose between the warmer False Bay or colder Atlantic!

I am launching in Hout Bay tomorrow for a seal snorkel trip, and will then have a better idea of the visibility. I think that Saturday will be a toss up between False Bay and the Atlantic. Sunday will be an early morning shore dive at Long Beach.

Let me know if you’d like to dive by return email or text message, and I’ll keep you posted.

MPA Permits

Is your MPA permit up to date? Do you have one? Please make sure you check yours, and if you can’t get to the post office before your next dive, please feel free to purchase a temporary one from me.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Fog for thought

Hi divers

Weekend diving

Saturday: Shore dive(s)

Sunday: Launching from Simon’s Town jetty for an undisclosed location in False Bay!

Crossing from Robben Island to Big Bay
Crossing from Robben Island to Big Bay

Conditions report

The weekend started with a foggy wait in Table Bay for the fog to clear before the Robben Island Freedom Swim could get underway. Once it had lifted we were once again treated to a Le Mans style start your engines and full throttle race to Robben Island.There are some pictures on facebook.

We had very clean water for diving in False Bay on Sunday  but the fog made it a little unpleasant on the boat because of the other boat traffic. 

The viz has slowly dropped off during the week. On Monday we were out at Dias Beach inside the Cape Point reserve for another swim event and the water was very clean there and inside False Bay, but by late afternoon it had got a lot darker. Some photos from that day are also on facebook.

Waiting off Dias Beach for the swim to start
Waiting off Dias Beach for the swim to start

The water does not look spectacular anywhere. Hout Bay is not that clean and Table Bay very patchy. False Bay looks better than anywhere else. The downside is that we are forecast to have a southerly swell which does not do False Bay any good. I am at another Robben Island swim event tomorrow so I will have a better idea of the conditions there tomorrow evening.

The diving plan for the weekend is thus shore dives on Saturday, and boat dives in False Bay on Sunday. I’m not going to select sites in advance – we’ll go wherever we can find clean water.

Text or email me if you want to dive.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Time and motion

Hi divers

I did a week-long time and motion study on myself. The results were very scary. Besides taking way too long to drink each cup of coffee, I spend 95% of my online time looking at weather forecasts. Of that 95% of online time, I spend 50% of it telling a cat to get off the keyboard.

None of this has helped! It’s a long weekend, winter has not arrived just yet, and we should all be out diving. The weather however has decided otherwise.

I would like to dive every day this weekend, and the backlog of student dives is getting out of hand… But I think that the only safe bet will be for Monday. I will however make a call each morning as to whether conditions will permit safe and enjoyable diving.

Would you like to dive? Let me know by return email or text message, and I’ll keep you in the loop.

Desperate times call for desperate measures
Desperate times call for desperate measures

Launch schedule

Somewhere not too windy, with acceptable swell and some viz. Anyone have the coordinates?


There are still a few spaces available on our trip (28 June – 4 July). By that time – the height of winter – some warm water diving and mild weather will be a pleasure. Let me know if you want more information.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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