I completed the edX-hosted Sharks! MOOC, presented by Cornell University and the University of Queensland, and it was excellent. The content was clear and for me, who stupidly quit high school biology at the age of 14 for the sake of a more classical (less useful) education, filled in a large number of gaps in my understanding of sharks and rays.
The course format was a mix of video lectures and interviews, notes, diagrams and multiple choice questions for grading purposes. The videos are available on youtube – you can check out the channel containing all this year’s videos, or a giant playlist containing all the videos from the 2015 iteration of the course.
I’m going to link to some of the most interesting videos below, so you can get a taster of what the course was like. Please sign up next time it gets offered, if you didn’t do so this time!

Week 1: The Big Shark Picture – Biodiversity and Evolution
Bear Gulch – a golden age of sharks
Week 2: Miracles of Evolution – Functional Morphology and Physiology
Introduction – miracles of evolution
Manta ray feeding and migration
Osmoregulation in the bull shark
Reproduction in the sand tiger (ragged tooth) shark
Week 3 (shark brains and behaviour) and 4 (sharks in the world) videos will follow in a separate post.