Newsletter: Wind window

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Saturday: Meet at Hout Bay harbour at 6.30 am

Sunday: Meet at Hout Bay harbour at 6.30 am

The new year has certainly started off windily. (Happy new year, by the way!) Despite this, diving has been possible occasionally if you don’t mind hitting the water really early. The coming weekend is no exception.

Last weekend's diving
Last weekend’s diving

The weekend is set to blow again, but both Saturday and Sunday morning offer an early weather window with lot less wind, and that will be the best time to dive… in my opinion. We’ll confirm Saturday’s dives by 6 pm on Friday evening after I look at the sea, because it is forecast to be quite swelly.

Hout Bay slipway will be the meeting place on both days, and 7.00 am will be approximately the time we set off so you will need to be there by 6.30 am. Message me if you want to be on the list.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: The horizon

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Sunday: Double tank dive at 7.00 am from False Bay Yacht Club, conditions permitting

It seems there is some south westerly wind on the horizon and the forecast says it arrives on Tuesday. Its set to stay for a few days, so next week would be a good time to use those accumulated leave days and do some diving.

Noordhoek beach on Sunday
Noordhoek beach on Sunday

The weekend does not look pearly but it is seldom as bad as the forecast. I am not able to dive on Saturday and will pin my hopes on Sunday. The wind and swell will make it a late afternoon Saturday decision and if we launch it will be out of Simon’s Town at 7.00am for a double tank dive to avoid the wind. Text or email me if you want to be on the list.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Clean green

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Saturday: Shore dives at Long Beach, meeting at 9.30 am

Sunday: Boat dives around Roman Rock, meeting at 9.00 am at the False Bay Yacht Club parking area

Roman Rock lighthouse
Roman Rock lighthouse

The Atlantic is warm and green, as is False Bay. The green looks cleaner in False Bay, though so thats where will head this weekend. Some wind in the forecast for Saturday means shore dives, meeting at Long Beach at 9.30 am.

Sunday will be the better day to boat dive, so we’ll be meeting in the parking lot of False Bay Yacht Club at 9.00 am. Sites most likely somewhere in the greater Roman Rock area… Or wherever the water looks cleanest.

If you’ve a hankering to dip yourself in salt water this weekend, you know what to do.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Still waiting

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Sunday: Possible launches out of OPBC in Granger Bay

We are still waiting for the non stop south easter to stop blowing, or to at least ease up. False Bay is grumpy to say the least, but the Atlantic is clean and cold, around 9 degrees celsius.

Dwarf sperm whale at the V&A Waterfront
Dwarf sperm whale at the V&A Waterfront

Sadly the wind does not really ease off until late on Monday so I am unable to commit to launching this weekend just yet. On Saturday afternoon we will make a final call as to whether we can dive on Sunday but it would most likely be Table Bay, most likely North and South Paw. If we can go to Hout Bay then we may visit the Aster and the Katsu Maru as there may be some respite from the wind inside the bay.

Text or email me if you want to be on the list.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Purple crayons

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Sunday: Possible dives out of Hout Bay if the wind and swell give us a break!

It seems the forecaster at WindGURU found the box of purple crayons and has been liberal with them. Other than a slight lull in the wind forecast for Sunday, it’s purple all of next week too. I very much doubt we will get out on Sunday as there is currently a 4 metre swell flexing its muscles. The Atlantic water colour and temperature show signs of great visibility so if the wind is acceptable on Sunday we will launch from Hout Bay. Text, mail or Whatsapp if you want to be on the list.

Diversnight 2016 at the Simon's Town jetty
Diversnight 2016 at the Simon’s Town jetty

Diversnight 2016 took place last weekend. We dived off the Simon’s Town jetty in a chilly wind. Luckily the visibility was excellent and the fishermen only arrived towards the end of our dive. There are a few photos on facebook.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Bird aboard

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Saturday and Sunday: To be confirmed depending on what the wind does!

The day time temperatures are getting to a point where T shorts and shirts are a common sight. Despite the odd off day the sun has been doing good work and the water temperature is nearly 17 degrees in False Bay… In most places. Lest we forget, the south easter also makes itself known again at this time of year, and this weekend is a good example.

Heron on the NSRI boat in Simon's Town
Heron on the NSRI boat in Simon’s Town

It blows hard all day tomorrow and lets up a little for Saturday and a little more for Sunday. It is likely to be last minute call as to whether we head to Hout Bay or False Bay for the some dives. If you want to be on the list for either Saturday or Sunday get in touch and I’ll keep you posted.

Don’t forget

Diversnight is next Saturday, 5 November! Charge your torches!


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: All about that wind

Hi divers

Weekend diving

Saturday: Shore dives at 8.30 am at Long Beach

Sunday: Simon’s Town jetty at 9.30 am for Atlantis and 12.00 pm for Tivoli Pinnacles

View down the jetty
View down the jetty

We head into summer now, and diving becomes very much all about the wind. Tomorrow’s wind favours False Bay for the weekend, and despite some real south easter yesterday the water colour is not bad at all.

Our plan is to shore dive on Saturday and boat dive on Sunday. Saturday will be an early start, 8.30 am at Long BeachSunday will be a jetty pick-up at 9.30 am for Atlantis and 12.00 pm for Tivoli Pinnacles.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Here today, gone tomorrow

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Sunday: Early morning double tank dive, location to be confirmed

Conditions last weekend were pretty good. Not much wind or swell and decent visibility. The wind and swell for the weekend ahead look great with very little of either. False Bay, on the other hand, looks a little messy from some humping south easterly wind today.

False Bay this morning
False Bay this morning

The wind dies tomorrow and stays away for the weekend. I don’t doubt that both False Bay and the Atlantic will offer decent diving if you take the time to check before you choose. I plan to launch on Sunday as early as possible for a double tank dive somewhere clean. I have family arriving at midday from abroad and want to be done by then. If you are up for a early dive let me know and I will add you to the list.

Great news

The Shark Spotters mobile app is available – search for Shark Spotters in the Apple app store or Google Play store and download it for free!


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Destination unknown

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Saturday: Shore dives in Simon’s Town (only if forecast south easter does not materialise)

Sunday: Launching at 9.00 am and 11.30 am in Hout Bay or Simon’s Town

Sunrise over False Bay
Sunrise over False Bay

There is a good chance that diving could be good on both sides of the peninsula on Sunday. Saturday will be made unpleasant if the strong south easterly winds and predicted swell arrive, so Sunday will be the best choice for diving. (If the weather is good and wind is mild on Saturday, we will shore dive in False Bay.)

False Bay may be good if the swell does not turn as southerly as forecast, or if the  south easter doesn’t quite get up to the 40 km/h in the forecast. If the wind does arrive, then Hout Bay should clean up enough for some decent conditions.

We will launch on Sunday at 9.00 am and 11.30 am, destination unknown. We will decide late on Saturday whether we will go to Hout Bay or False Bay on Sunday. Either way both dives will be suitable for Open Water divers, maximum depth 18 metres.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Newsletter: Mountains

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Saturday: Boat dives at 10.00 and 12.30 from Hout Bay or False Bay yacht club

It may seem that given the week-long south easter we are having, it would be a simple matter to decide which side of the peninsula to dive. The picture was taken from Chapmans Peak drive today around lunchtime, and the water is not very clear – there are rocks just below the surface in the little bay below the road, but they are hardly discernible.

View from Chapmans Peak drive
View from Chapmans Peak drive

The water colour in False Bay is not very different but False Bay does seem to recover faster than the Atlantic coast of the peninsula. Sunday’s forecast is for gale force winds, so Saturday is the only decent diving day, but where?

Depending on tomorrow’s wind direction I will make a call late in the afternoon on whether we will launch in False Bay or out of Hout Bay. Either way it will be for dives at 10.00 am an 12.30 pm. I will have mostly Open Water students so the maximum depth will be 18 metres.

Email, text, wolf whistle if you want to dive.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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