Clean air: all about compressor maintenance

Diving, in my opinion, is one of the most rewarding sports on the planet. Breathing underwater, interacting with the myriad of creatures you can and do always encounter and the total tranquilty below the surface cannot be achieved easily in any other sport. If it is an adrenaline rush you need, diving can give you this too. Having raced cars, bikes and go-karts I know what an adrenaline rush does for you, but believe me an encounter with a whale shark, a pod of dolphins, a tiger shark, hammerheads or a great white shark give you a rush unlike anything else, so diving gives you the best of everything.

As with any sport or recreational activity diving has a few inherent risks. Besides regular maintenance of your gear, the air you breathe underwater must be clean and pure. A cylinder filled with contaminated air will harm you quickly and quietly. Unless you test each and every cylinder you breathe from with a sophisticated analyser for air quality you have no idea of how good your air is.

Charcoal, used felt pads, new pads, and drying agent
Charcoal, used felt pads, new pads, and drying agent

All dive centres have a strict policy on compressor maintenance and filter changes or services but occasionally you will have a fill from an operator who is not that scrupulous. You may also have a fill from a privately owned dive compressor and again the same regulations regarding maintenance apply. If you are unsure, ask the compressor operator for his certification card and the compressor service records. This is your right, it is you that is going to breathe that air. A rule of thumb for me is that if the owner dives and breathes that air then it is most likely safe, but if the owner is seldom breathing from the cylinders he supplies then there may be a risk.

Components (felt pads etc) from inside the filter tower
Components (felt pads etc) from inside the filter tower

I often fill my own cylinders, for my students, divers and myself. I am a stickler for the quality of the air I want in my cylinders so I am careful of the places I will fill my cylinders and just as careful of the quality of the air I pump. Our compressor has a service interval of 15 hours and this is what is involved.

The filter tower is made up of a few components. Felt pads between the water separator, charcoal and drying agent. The filter tower also has a bleed valve and bleeding the moisture off every few minutes helps in reducing the moisture the filter must remove. The compressed air passes through the water separator, a felt pad, a drying agent, another felt pad, charcoal, and finally another felt pad before it enters the cylinder. This ensures dry clean air is pumped into the dive cylinder.

Water separator inside the bottom of the filter tower
Water separator inside the bottom of the filter tower

There are other considerations.

Air intake
Air intake

The intake of air to the compressor needs to be clean so a particle filter on the intake pipe is important as is the location of this filter This prevents bugs, sand , dust and paper entering the compressor. The compressor we have has a petrol engine and the exhaust fumes must be kept away from the intake so it is important to position the intake upwind of the motor.

The top of the filter tower
The top of the filter tower

The compressor runs on a synthetic oil that must be changed as often as the filter contents and the Honda engine also has service requirements. Spark plug change after 30 hours, air intake every 15 hours and an engine oil change every 15 hours. The whip or filling hose needs a cap to keep the threads clean and the opening free from contaminants.

A record of the fills done must be maintained and the correct procedure followed. This includes recording the last viz date, owners detail, ending pressure and blend if it is a Nitrox cylinder.

Finally, to operate a compressor requires a certification and in South Africa this must be a course approved by the department of manpower. The CMAS compressor operator course offered by False Bay Underwater Club fullfils these requirements.

CMAS Compressor Operator certification card
CMAS Compressor Operator certification card

Newsletter: The best of winter

Aaaah so you made it here!

On Friday we launched from OPBC and dived the wreck of the Matapan. This is an old fishing trawler lost since 1960. Peter Southwood has put up a lot of info on Wikivoyage. The sun shone all day, there was very little wind and 14 degree water. Seeing the city and the Waterfront, not to mention the mountain, from the ocean is quite special.

Cuttlefish on the SAS Pietermaritzburg
Cuttlefish on the SAS Pietermaritzburg

On Saturday a bunch of us attended the well organised OMSAC Treasure Hunt. We dived the wreck of the SAS Pietermaritzburg and had really good visibility and 14 degree water.

Broadnose sevengill cowshark at Shark Alley
Broadnose sevengill cowshark at Shark Alley

The second dive was to Shark Alley in front of Pyramid Rock, and had milky visibility but lots of cowsharks. Last time we dived there we saw a shark with a hook in its mouth, sticking out the left side and all encrusted. We saw this same shark over a year ago when the hook was shiny clean. Imagine the trauma having this huge thing in your face. Made of stainless steel, these hooks do not corrode and fall off, and may be there for years. On this dive we saw another shark with a hook out the left side of its face. It is still shiny and new but does not look like it is a pain free attachment.

Cecil's head emerging from a hole in the Aster
Cecil’s head emerging from a hole in the Aster

Sunday morning we launched from Hout Bay and dived the wreck of the MV Aster, scuttled in 1997 by divers for diving and we were lucky to spot this blue eyed head sticking out of a hatch. We also watched bubbles coming out of strange places as Peter Southwood did a penetration into the bowels of the ship.

Cecil ascending next to the mast of the Aster
Cecil ascending next to the mast of the Aster

Once back on land we drove off to Long Beach to continue an Open Water course.

A warty pleurobranch channelling Yoda from Star Wars
A warty pleurobranch channelling Yoda from Star Wars

Monday we were back at Long Beach for more student dives so four days of 14 degree water and nice visibility had me in a good mood. After the students were done I popped out to visit the artificial reef we have been building. I was in the water there again today and the conditions are very good, with lots of life around.

Bold klipfish on the pipeline at Long Beach
Bold klipfish on the pipeline at Long Beach

Weekend diving

On Saturday I am continuing with an Open Water course at Long Beach, and on Sunday we’ll be doing some shore dives – hopefully at  A Frame and the Clan Stuart, conditions permitting. Please let me know in good time if you’d like to join in.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Diving is addictive!

Newsletter: Biomimicry and floods

Hello everyone

This newsletter is late because we have just attended an extremely interesting talk at the Two Oceans Aquarium on biomimicry… Bio what? Google it, but it is a fascinating look at how man can mimic nature in order to solve problems. For example, cars designed to look like a boxfish have aerodynamics of note, and wind generator blades shaped as whale pectoral fins are up to 75% more efficient and so it goes on.

Cecil doing his first deep dive in a drysuit
Cecil doing his first deep dive in a drysuit

Last weekend we managed only one deep dive to the Good Hope wreck (around 35 metres on the sand) and had good visibility and warmish 14 degree water.

Walking anemone on the SAS Good Hope
Walking anemone on the SAS Good Hope

The last few days have been wet and dry days as the ”summer winds” southeaster has blown all week… Let’s not go down the weather forecasting route!! Spoiling the dive conditions, but a wet week anyway as we had a catastrophic water pipe failure at home last week, flooding the entire house with enough water to snorkel around in… The water had run for around 8-10 hours so there was plenty of time for it to dam up…

Redfingers on the SAS Good Hope
Redfingers on the SAS Good Hope

This weekend we are attending the OMSAC Treasure Hunt on Saturday, and on Sunday will do an early boat dive out of Hout Bay to dive the wreck of the Aster, a wreck sunk by divers for divers which has wreck penetration possibilities. This is an ideal dive to start an Advanced course or a Wreck Specialty. The wreck also lies within swimming distance of another wreck called the Katsu Maru.

Frilled nudibranch on the SAS Good Hope
Frilled nudibranch on the SAS Good Hope

After Hout Bay we will move to Long Beach and continue with Open Water dives. Please let me know, if you haven’t already, if you’d like to come along on Sunday morning to the Aster. There are only two places left and please remember that boat dives cost R200. If you’re heavy on air, order a 15 litre cylinder in good time for R80, and if you’re Nitrox certified let me know if you require it.

Divers at the safety stop, ascending on the shot line
Divers at the safety stop, ascending on the shot line

Also, please don’t forget to bring your MPA permits if you come diving with us. They’re available at the Post Office, and if you’re caught without one your kit (or mine, if you’re using it) can be confiscated. That’ll keep me on your Christmas list for a loooooong time…


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Diving is addictive!

Newsletter: High hopes for better weather

Long Beach panorama
Long Beach panorama

Hi divers

Clare took this panorama at Long Beach whilst the NSRI were out training a couple of weekends back. They were there for a long time as we saw them before and after both dives. They seem to have a very good training program and were hauling people out the water, performing CPR and so on. I have not had too many ocean diving days this past week and have only been in the pool. The wind and rain have been…

Anemone at Long Beach
Anemone at Long Beach
Puffadder shyshark at Long Beach
Puffadder shyshark at Long Beach

Weekend diving

I have Open Water students on Saturday doing dives one and two at Long Beach but we will do two boat dives on Sunday. The usual: deep first and shallow next. Launch times will probably be 9am and 11am – please let me know either by text or email if you’d like to be on the boat, by tomorrow morning at the latest.

Chain attached to the yellow buoy at Long Beach
Chain attached to the yellow buoy at Long Beach

Clare, Justin and I swam out to the yellow buoy at Long Beach. Under it is a large bed of mussels and very fat starfish

OMSAC Treasure Hunt

A reminder, the OMSAC False Bay Treasure Hunt is on the 9th July, go here for more details. Clare and I are hoping to get on the boat dives at 10am (to Boat Rock) and at 1pm (to the cowsharks at Pyramid). I suggest you book quickly if you have strong preferences about where you’d like to go.

Certification cards

I have a small stack of PADI certification cards for some recently-qualified students: Tinus, Lindsay, Marinus, Dean and Dirk. I’ll try and drop them off with you if I’m in your neck of the woods, otherwise next time you come diving or are in the Southern Suburbs we can arrange for you to get them.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!

Newsletter: Animals also have something to say

Hello everyone

For those with awesome gardens the rain has probably been welcomed. There has been plenty of rain, so for many, diving has been scarce, why I don’t know because you get wet anyway! The wind on the other hand does chase divers away, me included. Despite the wind we did have some good diving last weekend.

Joanne in the pool
Joanne in the pool

I spent Saturday in the pool because it was too windy for the ocean, but the pool is still diving for me. Sunday morning we woke up to this view from the beach and decided we would navigate out to the concrete wreck and pay a visit to the chained buoy.

Sunrise at Long Beach
Sunrise at Long Beach

How can you not dive when the morning starts like this?

Three spotted swimming crab at Long Beach
Three spotted swimming crab at Long Beach

This three spotted swimming crab was quite aggressive.

Clare on the surface after a Long Beach dive
Clare on the surface after a Long Beach dive

Some days, when there is no diving, but if the weather is good I just jump in my drysuit and turn on the hose…

Is there a body in that drysuit?
Is there a body in that drysuit?

Just kidding… This is me doing a leak test on my drysuit (which is commonly referred to as a dampsuit at home).

Testing the drysuit for leaks
Testing the drysuit for leaks

Weekend diving

This weekend Grant is away diving a wreck in East London. On Saturday I will be at Long Beach with students and Discover Scuba Candidates but Sunday we plan do do an early launch with a different boat charter, weather permitting.

I can keep my head above water
I can keep my head above water

OMSAC False Bay Treasure Hunt

On 9 July Old Mutual Sub Aqua Club (OMSAC) is running a False Bay Treasure Hunt based at the Cape Boat and Ski Club at Miller’s Point. Clare and I will be checking it out and doing some boat dives – the registration fee is R75 per person if you book in advance (this also entitles you to a goodie bag, a boerie roll and a cool drink). They are running boat dives every hour on the hour for R100, and a couple of treasure hunt dives, a beach clean-up, and some other interesting-sounding stuff with nice prizes on offer. If you’re keen to join in, mail or check out their website.

WHAT an awesome dive!
WHAT an awesome dive!

Notifications of weekend dives

I’m not sure whether you prefer email or text message notification of weekend dive plans. If you’d like to get a text message, please either reply to this mail or text me to let me know that is what you’d like. Thanks!

I'd rather stick my head in the sand
I’d rather stick my head in the sand


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Leave me alone, I'm busy!
Leave me alone, I’m busy!

Diving is addictive!

Newsletter: To boat or not to, that is the question

Hi divers

Puffadder shyshark at Long Beach
Puffadder shyshark at Long Beach

Last weekend surprised us with some nice visibility (about six metres) at Long Beach for the Advanced navigation dive on Saturday, and then some equally pleasant visibility in False Bay for two boat dives that we managed to squeeze onto on Monday. The first was a deep dive for an Advanced course, where we went to 30 metres on the SAS Good Hope, and the second was a fun dive that Clare and I were lucky to do with some False Bay Underwater Club members.

Gas flame nudibranch on the SAS Good Hope
Gas flame nudibranch on the SAS Good Hope

This weekend the weather may deliver the same as last weekend making it hard to decide to launch the boat until the last minute.

Tony checking out a boiler near Ark Rock
Tony checking out a boiler near Ark Rock

Weekend diving

This weekend Grant is uncertain as to whether we will be able to go out on the boat. At this stage unfortunately it looks as though we’ll only be able to do one dive on the Saturday morning, for the Deep Specialty course, to 40 metres. And that’s if we’re lucky. If we can’t get on the boat, we will be doing a deep dive in Blue Rock Quarry in Somerset West for the Deep Specialty course. This isn’t ideal, but we have had so much bad weather that we just have to get going!

A diver exploring the Eastern Ark Rock wreck
A diver exploring the Eastern Ark Rock wreck

Sunday looks as though it might be decent for Long Beach, so we will plan to finish the Advanced course then, with a search and recovery dive, and start the new Open Water students. If you’d like to tag along for a fun dive at a very familiar spot, let me know…

Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Diving is addictive!

Newsletter: Club evening and chamber dive

Hi everyone

We have done very little diving this past week, lousy weather and lots of wind.

Dive planning

This weekend I am hoping to do boat dives one day (probably Saturday, weather dependent), and shore dives with students on the other day. Let me know if you’d like to tag along on either and I’ll keep you in the loop.

Boat dives

Please note that prices for boat dives are going up as of 1 March (today) from R180 per person per dive to R210. If you want to buy a ten boat dive package you can do so directly from Grant at BlueFlash for R1600. A one-off boat dive directly from Grant is R250.

Obviously if you’re doing a boat dive as part of your course, you don’t need to pay.

Chamber dives

We have one or two spots left for the chamber dive, which is taking place on Tuesday 8 March at 5.30pm in Rondebosch. This is going to be a very entertaining (and hopefully educational) experience and I’d recommend you join us if you can. Email or call me if you’re interested.

You don’t need a medical certificate if you plan to do this dive – just an Open Water (minimum) qualification.

Wreck diving talk

On Wednesday evening (2 March) there’s a talk on shipwrecks (diveable ones) of the West Coast, given by Alistair Downing of Underwater Explorers (the diver who described his experience of being bent to Clare for a blog post on DAN membership that I mentioned two newsletters ago).

It’s happening at False Bay Underwater Club which meets just down the road from where I live in Kenilworth. This is a nice opportunity to meet some of the FBUC members (many of whom you will recognise from diving on the boat), to see what it’s like to be part of a dive club, and to learn something new and interesting.

If you’d like to attend, let me know and you can meet at our house at 7.20pm and follow us down the road from there. The talk should be over by 9pm unless things get really out of hand.

There’s no charge except the price of one drink at the bar to support the club!

Dive Site magazine

Those of you who haven’t signed up for the Dive Site magazine at should do so – it’s a FREE quarterly magazine of outstanding quality (far better than the ones that actually cost you money) along with a super weekly newsletter (and I am not just saying that because I was featured in the last one!). In the next issue of the magazine will be an article about the discovery of the SS Cape Matapan, the wreck opposite Cape Town Stadium that some of you dived with me last month (with mixed success!)


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Diving is addictive!

Dive Site magazine
Those of you who haven’t signed up for the Dive Site magazine at should do so – it’s a FREE quarterly magazine of outstanding quality (far better than the ones that actually cost you money) along with a super weekly newsletter (and I am not just saying that because I was featured in the last one!). In the next issue of the magazine will be an article by our trusty boat skipper Grant about the discovery of the SS Cape Matapan, the wreck opposite Cape Town Stadium that some of you dived with me last month (with mixed success!)

Dive sites: SS Cape Matapan

Desirous of doing a deep dive for three students busy with their Advanced course, Tony, the students, Tami, Goot and I set off on Saturday 22 January, bright and early from Oceana Powerboat Club near the Waterfront. The southeaster was strong, and the boat ride was a hoot – sitting on the plushy bench at the back of the boat, I was soundly drenched by the freezing waves as we hurtled down the coast. I had forgotten to eat any ginger snaps for seasickness, but the wind on my face and the splashing waves made the boat ride a pleasure, and even when we stopped, rocking, I think the wind helped a lot with nausea.

Tony (back to camera) doing deep skills with students
Tony (back to camera) doing deep skills with students

Our planned destination was North Paw, to explore a part of the site that hasn’t been mapped yet. Unfortunately when we got there the surface conditions were atrocious and it was decided to move further towards the shore to see if the sea was calmer there. An investigation of the rocks at the north end of Camps Bay beach revealed flatter seas, but visibility of not more than two metres. Personally, I will accept cold water, or poor visibility, but not both.

Mark doing his deep skills
Mark doing his deep skills

We were heading back to OPBC for breakfast, but as we passed the section of coast opposite Cape Town Stadium it was decided to dive the SS Cape Matapan, located thereabouts. The surface conditions were still pretty rubbish, but when Mauro got in to check the props of the boat after a small barney with a rock, he came back reporting that the props were fine and the visibility was stunning.

Warty pleurobranch with exposed gill
Warty pleurobranch with exposed gill

The Cape Matapan was a steam-powered fishing trawler that sank after a collision with another ship in dense fog in 1960. The location of the wreck was not known (apart from the information that it is about 30 minutes from Table Bay harbour under slow speed) until last year, when some False Bay Underwater Club veterans searched for it and located it off the Atlantic seaboard.

Flat ocean bottom around the wreck
Flat ocean bottom around the wreck

The wreck is very broken up on a flat bottom. I loved being within view of the Sea Point promenade, and then sinking beneath the waves to see what’s there. Goot compared it to the moon, and he was right – the visibility was good (15 metres or so) and we could see for ages around us. Nothing except the ship’s boiler stands up from the ocean floor.

Wreckage of the Cape Matapan
Wreckage of the Cape Matapan

There was a very strong current down there, the sort that you don’t want to even try to fight against, so we drifted with it. We didn’t get to the boiler (events intervened while most of us still had lots of air – boo!) but we saw bits of metal plating and twisted wreckage here and there as we motored along. Tami and I were delighted with an entire field of golden sea cucumbers sticking up from the sand (of which there isn’t much). We didn’t see any fish, but the ocean floor was echinoderm paradise. It was a beautiful dive.

Golden sea cucumbers near the Cape Matapan
Golden sea cucumbers near the Cape Matapan

The dive site is on the edge of the shipping lane serving the harbour in Cape Town, so we all had SMBs (didn’t get time to deploy those!) and Grant was on high alert when we surfaced. Seeing giant container ships in the distance reminded me that if we were to get in the path of one of them, with a draught of 10 metres or more, we’d be toast. We didn’t want to get separated as a group, either, because of the current.

Brittle stars and sea cucumbers next to a block of cheese (coraline algae on a rock!)
Brittle stars and sea cucumbers next to a block of cheese (coraline algae on a rock!)

Tony was doing his first Cape Town drysuit dive, trying it out. His initial report is good, and you’ll hear more from him on the subject. Here’s a dodgy photo of him in his snug getup. I was particularly jealous of the body-shaped sleeping bag/drysuit pyjamas (neither of those being the correct technical term) that one wears underneath. His had fetching purple stripes down the sides.

Drysuited Tony
Drysuited Tony

Dive date: 22 January 2011

Air temperature: 25 degrees

Water temperature: 7 degrees

Maximum depth: 24.4 metres

Visibility: 15 metres

Dive duration: 20 minutes

Urchins and sea cucumber
Urchins and sea cucumber

Belonging to a dive club

Tony and I recently attended the annual Christmas party of False Bay Underwater Club (FBUC), of which we are members. Tony was a member of the Durban Undersea Club while he stayed up north, but it’s my first experience of belonging to any sort of club (except, of course, for the Cape Town Girls Club, of which I was a founder member at the age of ten) – let alone a diving club.

There are numerous benefits – among them, cheap gear hire, free air fills on club days (Wednesday evenings), and access to courses at reduced rates. FBUC offers CMAS courses to its members and other interested parties, and Tony, Kate and I recently completed a compressor operator course there. The club periodically performs ocean cleanups (Simon’s Town yacht basin was their last one), and is involved in several social responsibility projects – for example, the gifts and baby supplies that we brought to the Christmas party are to be donated to the Beautiful Gate in Crossroads, which cares for babies, children and families in the community, many affected by HIV/AIDS.

FBUC Christmas tree
FBUC Christmas tree

FBUC also holds weekly club dives – there’s a mailing list that informs members where to meet, what day (usually Sunday), and what time. Tony and I have not had a chance to explore any of the Oudekraal shore entry sites yet, and that’s been on hold while we sort out a wetsuit for him that isn’t quite as highly ventilated as his current one, but we look forward to tagging along on some club dives to learn the shore entry dive sites we don’t know in Cape Town.

The thing we have been enjoying most, however, is the access that club membership gives us to the accumulated knowledge and experience of the other members. There are members who are photography gurus, those who manufacture their own gear and accessories, those who repair and service dive kit, mapping and dive site gurus, and experts on marine life. It’s here that we got to check out Diver Propulsion Vehicles (DPVs) first hand. (Tony immediately added one to his Christmas list… high hopes!)

Monty checking on the progress of the snoek on the braai
Monty checking on the progress of the snoek on the braai

We’ve learned a huge amount just chatting to other members over a drink (or a fish braai) on a Wednesday evening at the club. It’s been lovely to meet interesting, like-minded people who love the ocean and exploration and are happy to discuss it.

Everything I’ve described regarding False Bay Underwater Club also applies – one way or another – to the other main diving club in Cape Town, Old Mutual Sub Aqua Club (OMSAC). We accompanied some of their members on a cleanup dive on Robben Island earlier this year.

It’s not particularly cheap to be a member of a dive club, but I think it’s been well worth it so far. Not so much for the gear hire and air fills – Tony has his own gear and requires air fills FAR more often than once a week – but for the other reasons I’ve mentioned.

Article: The Urban Times – Diving Robben Island

I didn’t realise this article had actually been published until today – there were some (shall we say…) technical glitches in getting the pictures sorted out… But The Urban Times has published an article I wrote based on our Robben Island diving adventure in September (part of the OMSAC coastal cleanup activities).

Tony toting our absolutely enormous dive bag off the ferry
Tony toting our absolutely enormous dive bag off the ferry

You can read the full article here. It’s not terribly different to what I posted on the blog originally, apart from some additional historical context. What is really exciting is for South Africa, and South African diving, to get some exposure!

The Urban Times article
The Urban Times article