A visit to the Vasa museum in Stockholm

I never got around to sharing some of the maritime components of the trip Tony and I made to Sweden (for adventure) and Denmark (for family) in July-August of last year. I trust you will indulge me as I intersperse these recollections with our (not always so) regular programming.

When I do trip planning I tend to gravitate towards attractions and places that have something to do with maritime history and the marine environment – these subjects tend to make both of us happy. I became obsessed with visiting the Vasa Museum a few years ago, and when the opportunity arose to route our travels through Stockholm, I made it our first priority on our first full day in the city. If I had to provide a single reason for why we went to Stockholm, the Vasa might be it.

The Vasa museum
The Vasa museum

The Vasa was a Swedish warship that sank on her maiden voyage, within a stone’s throw of land and inside the collection of islands that makes up Stockholm, in the summer of 1628. She went down suddenly and quickly, and was lost until the 1950s, when the wreck was discovered in 32 metres of water in brackish Lake Malaren, just outside the harbour of Stockholm. The lake is connected to the sea, but the water is not salty enough to accommodate shipworms (Teredo navalis), and the absence of this wood-muncher contributed to Vasa‘s preservation. An extensive salvage effort culminated in 1961, and in 1988 the ship was moved to a dedicated museum on the island of Djurgården. The masts on the outside of the museum building aren’t original, but they show the height to which Vasa‘s actual masts would have reached.

Stern view of Vasa
Stern view of Vasa

Both the story of the Vasa‘s construction and sinking, and of her recovery and preservation, are remarkable. (I’ll leave you to discover why she sank.) I did a guided tour of the museum which provided some colour regarding the ship’s history before walking around on my own, but Tony preferred to explore independently from the beginning. The salvage process is well documented, as is life on board, characterised by some grim realities!

State of the art 1950s diving gear
State of the art 1950s diving gear

A team of engineers works constantly to preserve the ship, which is closely monitored for structural and chemical changes, and kept in a strictly climate-controlled environment. The fruits of their research have assisted in the preservation of other historical vessels such as the Mary Rose in Portsmouth, and the parts of the exhibit related to the preservation of Vasa are fascinating in and of themselves.

First view of Vasa
First view of Vasa

I can’t adequately convey what it was like to walk into the museum for the first time and see a full-sized 17th century wooden warship right in front of us. Vasa is colossal, and breathtaking. So much of what I know about what life was like centuries ago has to be supplemented by imaginative reconstruction of things I’ve never seen before (like a wooden warship), or ambitious mental deletions of the industrial and agrarian features of almost all the landscapes one interacts with in developed countries. Seeing the Vasa was like a smack in the face from the past. Most of my photos are no good, because you’re so close to the damn thing, and it’s so enormous, that cameras just don’t do it justice. But your eyes do. If you’re anywhere remotely near Stockholm, get thee to the Vasa Museum. I promise you won’t regret it.

Newsletter: Rinse and repeat

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Saturday & Sunday: Check conditions the day before, and make a call

Filling station for boats on Sandhamn
Filling station for boats on Sandhamn

As weekends go at this time of year, this one is a weirdo. There is meant to be a 6 metre swell tomorrow, so diving might not be good… But the predicted swell is very westerly so diving may be good. There might be little wind on Saturday with a lot of swell, and more wind on Sunday with less swell… Weather sites disagree violently.

The plan is to check conditions tomorrow afternoon and decide for Saturday, and rinse and repeat on Sunday. If you’re keen to dive, let me know and I’ll keep you posted!

Odds & ends

About this week’s photo: we continue with last week’s theme of marine filling stations. We saw this one on the island of Sandhamn in the Stockholm Archipelago.

On Wednesday 16 August (next week), a book about Nicole, the great white shark that was tagged off South Africa’s coast and swam all the way to Australia and back, will be launched at Kalk Bay Books. Sounds interesting. Event details here.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Diving is addictive!

Newsletter: Filling up

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Sunday: Boat dives from Simon’s Town at 9.00 am and 11.30 am (maximum depth 18 metres)

Filing station on Vaxholm
Filing station on Vaxholm

We are back from a vacation and the one thing, of many, that stood out as something that we could really use in False Bay, was a filling station. Not one for cars – we have those – but a real marine filling station that boats can approach from the water. The one in the picture is on the island of Vaxholm in the Stockholm archipelago.

Word is that the visibility is in False Bay has been decent. Not much wind or swell are in the forecast for Sunday so that’s the day we plan to dive.

Both dives (at 9.00 am and 11.30 am) will be to a maximum depth of 18 metres and most likely around Roman Rock, as I have students to qualify. Let me know if you want to join us.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Diving is addictive!

Friday photo: Open wide

Car ferry opening up to receive vehicles
Car ferry opening up to receive vehicles

Here’s the bow of one of the ferries that travels between Helsingør in Denmark and Helsingborg in Sweden, opening up to expose the ramp that allows drivers to load their vehicles on the vessel in the harbour.

Interestingly enough, it was a lifting bow like this that caused the ferry Estonia to sink, as described in The Outlaw Sea. The Estonia was used in rough seas that she was not designed for, and the mechanism closing her bow and lifting the ramp was faulty. During a voyage in bad sea conditions her bow opened, flooding the interior of the vessel, and she sank very quickly claiming 852 lives.

I didn’t know all this when I took this particular trip! Fortunately the Øresund, the strait between Denmark and Sweden, is very calm.

Friday photo: Tall ship in Sweden

When we travelled to Denmark in July 2011, we stayed in Helsingør, a small town about 45 kilometres north of Copenhagen. It is the closest town to Sweden, and the Swedish town of Helsingborg lies just a short ferry ride across the Øresund.

It was summer, and the sun stayed up until 2200 or later, so one evening we popped across to Sweden for dinner and a stroll around Helsingborg. On our way into the ferry port at Helsingborg we were able to see a tall ship, the Tre Kronor, leaving.

Tre Kronor leaving Helsingborg, Sweden
Tre Kronor leaving Helsingborg, Sweden

The ship had its sails furled, so we couldn’t see how impressive she looks in full sail. The official website for the Tre Kronor is here, and some more photos of the ship here. We had a lovely evening, thank you for asking.

On our way back into the harbour at Helsingør, we saw this swan.